Urte Eickhoff Kalaoja

Urte is a member of the German Bar Association in Hamburg since 2006. She obtained her law degree at the Georg-August-University of Göttingen, Germany and was trained on the bench in the district of the Higher Regional Court of Celle, Germany followed by a legal clerkship at University of Administrative Science in Speyer, and the European Parliament, Directorate General, in Luxemburg.

In 2005 she joined an IP law firm in Hamburg/Bremen focusing on contract and business law as well as copyright-, trademark- and competition law and consumer protection until in 2011 she moved to Finland for family reasons. After her parental leave Urte continued working as a lawyer from Finland on a case-by-case basis and has joined our firm at the end of 2022. She focuses on international contracts and advising in Germany related matters in her core area of expertise.

Urte is amongst other member of the Finnish Association for Industrial Property Rights. Her working languages are English and German with an improving command of Finnish.

Urte Eickhoff Kalaoja

VAN SETTEN Attorneys Ltd. | Kluuvikatu 7, 5th floor | 00100 Helsinki / Finland │info@vansetten.fi